Dandelion sankalpa

Dandelions are a crop. That’s according to Ross Gay, avid gardener, poet, and author of The Book of Delights. He loves the taste of dandelion greens, and he turns our perception of them upside down. ‘Weed’ is not part of his vocabulary. Dandelion In choosing a dandelion as the symbol for Transition Yoga, I had […]
The day I learned to think

I have a clear memory of the day I learned to think. One sunny morning, Mum and I were in the front yard. I was four years old. I know I was four, not five, because I started going to school at five. Before that, I had a lot of quiet time at home with […]
Getting ready for a private yoga lesson at home

You’ve just scheduled your first private yoga lesson. What do you need to prepare? The teacher is coming to your home this week. Maybe she’s already on her way there and you suddenly think, I don’t have a yoga mat. How are we going to do this? A yoga teacher who offers private lessons will […]
Can I do yoga if I’m dying?

“Well, the people at our hospice wouldn’t be doing that.” This is what someone told me at an event I went to on the weekend when I said I specialized in yoga for people at the end of life. It’s understandable that people think yoga is not for the dying. We’ve all seen Instagram-worthy photos […]